We found a nice place for mom to live… and … now what?

Dear family and friends,

Thank you SO much for your prayerful support while I have been in Florida with my sister Suzy taking care of our mom. We found a lovely residential “Adult Family Care” home (only 5 beds) and moved mom in last week. It has been a fairly good transition. Although, it’s been pretty hard for mom, of course… you know… she is giving up yet another part of her independence. I don’t like to give up my freedoms and independence either, so I understand where her heart must be. She is the only one there right now. Even so, she chose this place with her heart and loves Maggie (the owner) and Carol (her personal caretaker). They are both from Haiti (with very strong French accents!) and we love them too!! Thank You Lord, for leading us to this home!

So, what comes next? I believe that what the Lord had called me back here to do is coming to a close. So I have a flight booked to arrive Ohio on Friday. I plan to see as much family and friends as I am able. Then I plan to return to Florida to check on my mom once more, and then leave for overseas shortly after. I’m looking at flights, but haven’t booked anything yet. I’ll let you know when I am certain of my flight.

I hope to see a lot of you at church on Sunday! I totally miss my Vista Sunday mornings when I’m not here!! There’s nothing like Vista on a Sunday morning! I plan to attend the Dublin service.

Things to pray:

  • For God to continue to give mom peace that she is where she belongs; that this is her home and to give her nice ladies to enjoy and spend her days with while enjoying peaceful, sweet sleep at night.
  • Peace and unity in my family as we go through changes in life.
  • His provision and peace as far as my getting back overseas and all that the ministry in Madang entails.
  • Housing needs in Madang for PBT – we are growing, and we urgently need more housing.
  • His amazing grace and mercy to follow me all the days of my life. I am in need of Him more today than ever before. Please pray that I will continue to surrender more and more of me every day; that He will consume me from the inside out and continue to transform my life.
  • And last but certainly not least… that I am daily His Salt and Light and that I am a Beacon to shine the light for people to walk toward Him.

Thank you so much, I appreciate you!!sharonandmom



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