The path that I’m on…

You have made known to me the paths of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence. Acts 2:28

I leave Brisbane Tuesday. I’m ready to get back to Madang. It’s time to get back into the office and back to loving all of the tiny babies and mamas at the Haus Sik.

I realize that I have to embrace my brokenness to grow; but it hurts. Anyone else feel that? I know all too well my weaknesses, and my broken ways of life that seem to still infiltrate my daily living. First and foremost I need to “take every thought captive.” Do you know what’s just before that in 1 Cor 10:5? “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

Ever try to do that? To take every thought captive? Try it… for just 5 minutes and see if you can do it successfully… if so, then go into a room where there are real people in real discussions about real life… and see how well you do. Maybe you’re better at it than I am, but I am trying to follow Christ as closely as possible. I am truly a work in progress!

I have a lot of work to do. These photos shows what I did to the handout that we got at church…


My Bible version says “My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.” I like that.


Secondly, I need to be vulnerable enough to go to see the babies and fall in love with all of them all over again.



I’ve rarely felt joy like I did when I first really got involved in our Baby JJ Ministry. It seemed to give me life, a reason for life, not just going to work (although the #1 reason I was called to Papua New Guinea; is so that I can be a Support Worker and be a part of translating His word into the heart languages of those in PNG that I am starting to really love). So, I need to put my heart out there … again… to be vulnerable… again… and be gutted with pain as we lose more babies… again… But God (there are those two favorite words of mine!) He has a plan for my life in PNG.


So here we go!




“Where there is love, there is vulnerability to pain.” Laura Ramirez

My mom told Suzy that it is OK to let me go back because I have finally “found the unconditional love that I’ve been searching for all my life.” She hit the nail on the head… there is no love apart from God’s love.

Thank you for allowing me to serve in Madang with your prayers, your love and your financial help. I couldn’t do it without you!

God bless you ALL!


2 thoughts on “The path that I’m on…”

  1. Gayla Fletcher


    I admire you so much for the courage to do what you do. I wish I had the courage to step out like I did in my younger days but as I’ve gotten older I find myself somewhat afraid to step out. I love reading your post and continue to pray for you and your mom & sister. The Ministry you do is awesome.


  2. Barbara Thomas

    Bless you, Sharon, on your journey. God is there in every failure. That’s one of the best parts of this journey for me. And when we fail, there seems to always be someone, some piece of writing, or a verse of Scripture that points us back again to where our head and our heart need to be. That’s part of that unconditional love, isn’t it?

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