Here’s what I’m carrying in my heart to Papua New Guinea

~ My Precious Family ~

God has really blessed me and I want to share with you…

s-j-smileJennie ~ Bless her heart! I love my girl! Jennie is the best daughter I could ever imagine. She is one of the busiest people I know! I am not sure how she keeps track of all the things that she, the boys and Robert have going on. I need some of her organizational skills! I love that she is always available. She has helped me (a lot!!) in getting packed and ready to go. I’ve spent the past 12 months going through a (new) Bible for her; underlining, writing notes of love, prayers, reminders, advice and encouragement. It is my prayer that it will bless her abundantly as she goes through it. I pray that someday she will come visit me in Papua New Guinea (I pray this with all my heart!!). I know that she will love all of the cultural activities. I can’t wait to share with her pictures of a Sing-Sing (a traditional cultural dance celebration)! What she can’t wait for, is to see if I eat any bugs (I don’t plan to do it intentionally!). She calls me a germ-o-phobic.


s-outside-laughing2Robert ~ I like to call him Bobert and say that he is my favorite son-in-law, (Jennie is my only child ha!) He is one of the most hard-working men I know, constantly on the go with no sleep. I am proud to have him as son-in-law, the husband of my daughter and the father of my grandsons. I pray that someday he will come visit me in Papua New Guinea. I know that he would have the absolute best time going deep sea fishing in the South Pacific! We might never get him off the water!



s-eldestRobbie ~ oh my Robbie… What can I say? He is the most precious number one grandson in the world! I wouldn’t trade my Young Marine for anything in the world. I am so incredibly proud of him and I can’t wait to see what God has planned for his future. With his heart, I am sure that it will be amazing. I pray that someday he will come visit me in Papua New Guinea. I bet he will! He will love village living. I’m not sure that I will be able to get him to ever come to town once he is in the jungle! I really wish that I could have him with me for my jungle training; I could sure use his survival skills!!



s-outside-laughingMason ~ my Masonman… wow, what an amazing heart this guy has. He is such a sweet, loving, kind and gentle person.  He is the best second grandson anyone could ever ask for! His heart is so pure and he is so generous. He is a master at video games and plays them every chance he gets. I am certain that God has something special planned for him. I’ve never met anyone like him. I pray that someday he will come visit me in Papua New Guinea. I bet he will love boating to all of the nearby islands. He will especially like going to places with electricity so that he can plug in his tablet and play his video games!


s-cabinEJ ~ what a character this guy is!!  My Eddie Jake has never met a stranger. He is a friend to every single person who happens by; it doesn’t matter who or where. I can’t wait to see what God has planned for his future! When Jen and Robert stop to give one of Jennie’s “homeless bags” to someone, EJ gets out of the van to pray with the person(s). He is the perfect one to be my youngest grandson; I can’t imagine anyone else holding that position! I pray that someday he will come visit me in Papua New Guinea. I bet he will love playing with all of the kids in Madang, Ukarumpa (The International School) and in the villages; he can fit in with anyone ~ anywhere.


And even though I don’t have a photo of each, my mom, Bill, Tom and Mindy and my precious sister Suzy, get an honorable mention. I will miss them a lot too!! I have to say my “see-ya’s” in mere days. How do I do that? I don’t know, but I would really appreciate your prayers. It got really hard with each hug I gave/got in Florida last month. I know I will be back again (God willing) but still… I don’t know “how” to be away from my family for an extended time. Four months in Dallas seemed like a long time.


Praises and Prayer Requests

Praise~ God has provided amazingly while I have been in Ohio!! I am so incredibly grateful to my Jennie, and to my friends who were able to house me, feed me and loan me a car. I am so loved. I pray that God blesses each one of you abundantly! My flight arrangements and housing in Papua New Guinea are in order I am nearly packed and ready to go on January 13th 


Prayers ~ That my travels go well. It’s a little intimidating. My flight leaves Columbus Jan 13 6:50 PM American Airlines headed to Dallas. Then I catch a flight to Brisbane Australia, then to Port Moresby Papua New Guinea and finally I plan to arrive in Madang Papua New Guinea the 15th. Please keep me (and my luggage) in your prayers. I feel like my heart is breaking when I think of leaving my family. Please pray for His peace that passes all understanding for each of us and enough tissues for me to make it all the way to PNG.

I don’t know what my communication will be like when I am in the Pacific Orientation Course…but I will do my best. I hope to have lots of emails of love when I am able to get online. I will respond as I am able.

The best way I can figure out how to “leave,” is this song that my friend Nancy sent to me. It struck a few chords, especially because I am a Coloradoan at heart… sooo… how do I leave? I “Saddle up my horse… I’ve got a trail to blaze… through the wild blue yonder of God’s amazing grace… I’ll follow my Leader into the glorious unknown… this is life like no other… this is the great adventure… I’ll find that this is the greatest journey that the human heart will ever need… the Love of God will take me far beyond my wildest dreams…”

I love you all… see ya!














photographs compliments of (Eric) Fetterhoff Photography