Changes of Seasons

Life right now sure is different than my normal chaos in Madang!

Let me start by saying how incredibly grateful I am for this time of home assignment where I can get the rest and healing that my heart, mind, body, and soul so desperately need.

Thank you for continuing to support me both prayerfully and financially as I do what needs to be done.

Here is a little health update: I have another appointment mid December with the orthopedic surgeon regarding the bulging disc in my back and the cyst on my hip. I hope to have some resolution. I am on the wait list for my left wrist surgery. Apparently I am not the only one who has met their deductible and want to get in under the 2021 wire for insurance. It is my own fault for waiting. If nobody cancels their surgery this year, I am scheduled for the first week in January.

I’m hanging onto this verse…
“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” ~ 3 John 2

I’m in close contact with PBT leadership about my physical and emotional health during my home assignment. They are pleased with how things are progressing on several levels. They’re encouraging me to continue doing the necessary things to move toward good health and healing before my return to the field.

I’ve been spending a lot of time with my Jennie, Robert, Robbie, Mason, and EJ. It’s been so incredibly good for my heart! We did “Trunk or Treat” with their church so that all of us could be together for the fun. We had three cars, a trunk full of hot dogs hot off the grill, and boatloads of candy! It was SO fun!

Here I am hanging in my car alone, and then with my great grand dog, Damon.


I’ve been going to the Vista (my church) choir practices. It’s great to see all of the people that I have missed. The Vista Christmas program touches so many hearts (thousands!)! It’s not just a choir practice though, it’s therapy. Our pastor‘s wife Tammy Smith is the one who coordinates it, and even if I weren’t practicing songs I would want to be at the practices because of the journey that it takes us on… she is such a blessing!

If you are in Ohio on 18 & 19 December, you are invited!!

I’m loving the seasons here – for the better part of my life since January 2014, my seasons consisted of hot and wet, and hot and dry. I’ve loved experiencing the changes here!

Since I’ve been here it has snowed, there’s been a boatload of sunshine, and there have been (very few) downpours like I have in PNG… As I have driven around Columbus this past month or so, I’m seeing the season changing again. There was even snow last Sunday! I am not quite ready for that, haha!

Some of the beauty surrounding me here in Ohio


I don’t know where the months have gone. It felt like cold water to my face when a fellow missionary mentioned that I had been in America six months. I was completely and utterly shocked. I felt like I just blinked and months were gone, never to return or be used for anything other than what it was… and I had no idea how I’d spent the first six months in country. It was weird. I think I did a lot of praying, sleeping, sitting, and ponderingI’ve been in counseling pretty much since I arrived. It’s going well. This last term overseas was really difficult with the death of a teammate/friend, and covid (which I got just before I left PNG) so there’s a lot of emotions to deal with. Plus, now that I’m taking time to actually breathe here, I’ve realized how much I miss talking to my mom. I used to call her every day on my way home from work. I’m also dealing with the loss of my brother. When I was far away it was easier to not think about these things. I think for the past couple of years I’ve just been on “auto-pilot” and just did what was necessary.

Life has been incredibly challenging, but you know what? I wouldn’t change a thing. The Lord grew me exponentially. I wouldn’t give that up for anything. I would do it all over again if I could get even closer to Him. He is worth it.

God is never surprised by anything. I never thought that I’d say those words…. but it *really is* worth it – to do the hard work.

As I type this, I am traveling to Richmond VA for the annual International Conference on Missions (ICOM) conference. Many PBT people will be there and I can wait to hug necks and shake hands of so many friends, old and new.

So what’s next? I don’t have the answer to that – other than experiencing winter in Ohio. Yikes… I’m sure glad I have a safe, secure, and solid apartment to hide in, haha!

God hasn’t revealed what my return date yet, but I can tell you that He has given me peace and contentment to be 100% where I am at any time. I feel it in PNG, and He has allowed me to feel it here too. I’m grateful.

Thanksgiving is right around the corner. I have a lot to be thankful for. First of all, I am eternally grateful that God saved me and transformed my life. I get to spend eternity with Him and many family members. It’s my prayer that every single one of my family and friends are there too. Secondly, I am incredibly thankful that my Jennie and co are so near. They make life good. She calls me and comes by really often. I love it! I heard it said that laughter is the best medicine, and I think it’s true!

I am thankful for you – you are a blessing to me! I hope your Thanksgiving is all you want it to be. I’m happy to be here with my family!

“You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.”  ~ 2 Corinthians 9:11-12

Prayer requests:

  • Safe travels to and from Virginia.
  • My mid-December appointment with the orthopedic doctor for my back/hip pain to get more direction to ease (or stop) the pain.
  • I’m on the Nov-Dec waitlist to have surgery to fix my left wrist. If I don’t get called in, I’m scheduled to have it done I early January.
  • For God to make my path crystal clear, and for me to feel as confident with it as I did when I first moved to PNG 💝
  • Thank you for your consistent love, prayers and financial support. I couldn’t do any of this without you!!
  • Have a Happy and safe Thanksgiving!