The Last Decade

2010 – I started life as “freshly divorced” (again – AND for the LAST time). I went on my first mission trip to Cambodia, and the year ended with my Jennie turning 30 (where does the time go?!?)

2011– I went on my second mission trip to Cambodia – God had told my Jennie in 2010 that He was taking me on a journey… It had begun.

2012 – I was invited to join Pioneer Bible Translators, and I gave my personal testimony at our church Christmas program in front of thousands of people (around 3,000 people I believe – I was scared to death, but He knew I needed to do it, and so did I)

2013 – I spent the year taking the PBT required classes with Johnson University online – all the while wondering if I was smart enough to be a missionary.

2014 – January started with me beginning life as an overseas missionary in Papua New Guinea. I attended the Tay New Testament Bible dedication – absolutely amazing! I thought I had stepped into the pages of National Geographic!!

The year ended with my mom turning 90.

2015 – I met Dulcy and the triplets. I also said goodbye (until heaven) to all 3 babies, including Baby Jeni. That was another turning point in my life, and in the Baby JJ Ministry.

Ali Hooper visited!

The year ended with my Jennie turning 35.

2016 – my youngest grandson Eddie Jake got baptized ❤️ this makes my heart so happy!!

2017 – I attended the Mborena Kam New Testament Bible dedication! It was amazing.

Marianne and Tammy visited me!

In November our mom died, and us kids had to learn how to live again.

2018 – in April I attended a week-long training called Roots of Care in Bali. I would not know how important this trip was for nearly a year. I wrote in my update that month “Simply (I say that word loosely) living overseas is stressful. Not a day goes by that there isn’t something that is not like my home country. Everything is different. We learned about burnout and self-care. Self-care is imperative!! If I don’t take care of me, who will? How can I help someone if I am not doing well myself?”

I had no idea how important self-care would become to me.

Because I wanted to spend my time wisely, I decided to go back to school to get my Bachelor’s Degree in Intercultural Studies and Bible Theology .

I attended the Mum book of Matthew’s dedication!! So fun!

Robbie’s high school graduation and 18th birthday included the gift of a PNG visit!

I ended 2018 in Cairns Australia with four dear friends.

2019 – in January, the day before we were to head back to PNG from our Cairns holiday, my big brother Tom took his life. Nothing can ever prepare you for such a horrible tragedy. To be faced with the reality that a loved one is struggling so deeply that he would take his life, is beyond devastating. Every life in my family had a drastic and forever change. Life will never be the same. Something like that alters the people who are left with all of the questions, and guilt, and anger, and pain. I could go on and on. The word “horrible” took on a whole new meaning to me.

I’m so incredibly grateful for the loving and kind counselors in Florida and Ohio who helped me get back on track (and even better than ever before in some areas, with the help of EMDR treatments).

Mid-year, I attended the Waran New Testament dedication – what a blessing! You might remember that the Waran are the people that brought me to PNG. That part of my journey has come full-circle. Pretty cool, huh?

HELLO 2020!

And then there’s 2020…😏

2020 – wow, yeah, 2020… What a trip this has been!!

I’m thankful that I came back here a lot more healthy (emotionally) than I have ever been – because this has been a doozie of a year – and it’s only May! I can not(!!) believe I’ve only been back a few days over a year. It feels like it’s been many(!!) more years than that!

The Coronavirus/pandemic with everyone either isolating or possibly putting themselves and/or others in danger of contracting the virus, has been so crazy!

It has been painful as I’ve watched friends and their family members who’ve had it! We watched it from afar when other countries started publishing statistics. To date here in PNG we still only have 8 known cases. I pray that the heat and humidity is, as they say, really keeping the number of cases low. God only knows. Those are two things that are a constant here; heat and humidity!

I don’t have a clue what will happen between now and the end of the year, but would you please pray with me that I’ll get my visa to travel through Australia so that I will be in America for my Eddie Jake’s 13th(!!) birthday and my Jennie’s 40th birthday? 😳 (fortieth birthday???) Yep! 😁 My baby girl grew up when I wasn’t looking. I truly let too much time slip away. I wish with my whole heart that I could change that.

If you ever listen or take heed to anything I say, please hear this. I missed so much precious time with Jennie. I was so self-absorbed and walking in utter darkness that I missed it. Don’t do this. You will be sorry. I promise, one day you’ll be sorry. You, I, we – can’t change one single thing in our past. Nothing. Believe me, if I could, I would!!!!! It is painful to look back and see the millions of mistakes and poor judgments that I made.

Save yourself some regrets.
Don’t waste your life.
Cherish life with all your heart. Cherish your family.
It’s not too late.

So… About the Australian visa? Speaking of poor judgment… I let it expire… I won’t do that again. It’s a good thing I didn’t need to evacuate. As soon as I get a new one, the date will go on my calendar to renew before it expires!

What an amazing whirlwind this last decade has been. I wonder what in the world the next one will hold … So, to be continued… 😏

Prayer Requests:

Please pray for my family – that we cherish each other more than ever before
Please pray for my team here and the work that has been halted due to isolation (thankfully projects that had been pushed aside are being finished!)
Please pray for safety, and good health, and that I’ll continue to be pain-free (my feet are doing much better and I recently got shots in each wrists again, so they feel good)
Please pray for me to learn everything possible and to do well in my online classes with Johnson University. I just started Exegetical Method and I’m pretty intimidated.
Please pray for me every day – every time I come to mind – it is a comfort to know that you are praying.
Thank you ❤️