But God.

It’s been too long since I’ve written an update. I’m sorry! I got back to Madang and didn’t even have time for jetlag. Joni left 7 days after I got back and I had to have my head in the game at work; which gave me the “perfect excuse” for not jumping back into the baby ministry… I still struggle with getting there… when I’m there? Things are PERFECT!!! I love it all over again and I love to see the mamas and their new precious gift from God. But “getting there” is where I struggle. Please continue to pray for my heart to not be afraid to get broken again. It.will.happen. Babies die. Mamas die. My heart *will* get broken time and time again. But if I don’t go, who will give the babies their blankets from their new friends in America? Who will take a can of formula to the nursery for those who haven’t learned how to nurse? Who will tell the mamas that God loves them and that someone in America thought of them when she was crocheting or buying this blanket, hat or little outfit? Who is going to fill my shoes if I don’t get off my duff and do it?!? Ok, so that was totally for me… maybe I can shame myself into going on a weekly basis again… not shame… I need my heart to understand that it’s ok to step out again and love those tiny bundles… even knowing that some won’t make it to a long life. I need to love them where they are; right here, right now. Ever struggle with your own heart? Certainly I’m not the only one…

Lisa is going to the haus sik, I’m going to go too. I guess this is the way I have to do it until I can get my heart to release its death grip on me. I need your prayers. These mamas need someone to deliver the gifts of love from America… and I’m their gal! I went through the amazing boxes that Janie sent and I have some FUN and beautiful items to deliver. I will post pictures as soon as possible. Sometimes it’s hard to get them.

On a wonderful note that has to do with our today, Friday 10 June… I can’t believe that he is nearly a year old. There have been countless more born since Clyde, but none of the ones born around his birthday remain alive.

He sure is a cutie huh?

But God. He asked me to do this ministry a year and a half ago… So, in honor of Baby JJ, Baby Jeni and Baby Clyde… I will go back today and time and time again to the haus sik and tell the mamas of His love and give gifts to the babies that I love so much! Wait for pictures!!

Please pray for my family in Ohio and in Florida. We have all sorts of stuff going on and we really need your prayers.

Here is the prayer list from PBT. Would you pray each of these over me, please?

Here also is our PBT Papua New Guinea website. Sign up to receive our blogs automatically. You won’t be disappointed!