What’s new in Madang since I’ve been back, and now that time draws near to Christmas?
This is Clyde. He is 16 months old! 16 months of life is such a miracle here! Many of the children born around the time of his birth didn’t make it. One day his mama had a sad face and said to me “all of Clyde’s friends are gone.” It hasn’t been easy. I love that he and his mama, Barbara, come to see me!! This day, they came to see me after his doctor appointment. He has bronchitis. What a blessing that the Lord chose him to live. I wonder what His plan is for this little guy. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.
What’s new? Well… there has been a lot of “same ol, same ol” but I’m definitely getting back into the haus sik and my babies! I read something in a book this morning, it went something like “if you give your dreams to God, your God given dreams, and He takes them away… when they are resurrected, you know it is certainly from Him.” The Baby JJ Ministry. That hit me like a thud. When I left here at the beginning of the year, I didn’t realize the breakdown that would happen when I was in Florida. But God knew. He always knows. Two of my favorite words are “But God.”
I could end my update right there and it would be complete. But I’ll share more, coz I can.
I am getting back into the Baby JJ Ministry and I love it!!
I had the distinct pleasure of meeting with a doctor and head nurse to discuss how a large donation from one of my sweet donors will be spent. Will it be delivery beds? A new Haus Kuk so the mamas have a place where they can cook if they are required to stay longer than the typical day or so. Right now, the Mama Ward is in dire need of these things, and many others… most of which I have no idea … yet. I will let you know how this progresses. They sure didn’t ask for a whole lot of things. They were very careful to consider what a gift it is and how to best use it for the delivery staff, the mamas and the babies. They were respectful of my time and honoring of the money that was given. If you feel lead to donate for the repairs and items that the haus sik needs, please don’t delay. There is SO MUCH need!!
Something else that I would like/need to include in this update is a request for you to begin thinking about where your end of year contributions might go. I could sure use it if God touches your heart to do so.
There are many needs here aside from my daily living needs, rent, electricity, phone credit to keep in touch with my family, (increased cost of) health insurance, evacuation insurance if I need to be evacuated for an illness or injury, and the list goes on… think about your expenses, mine might be similar. I don’t have the option of working overtime and getting paid time-and-a-half, ha-ha! AND there is the Baby JJ Ministry. It is really ramping up. I had a box of items to deliver before I even got back here. I really would like to provide each mama with a pair of undies and a nappy for their newborn. I need money to buy these things. Will you help?
I would like to encourage online giving for year-end gifts at pioneerbible.org/SharonKozar. This is the best and the most efficient way to get donations to me. I appreciate you SO much!! If it weren’t for people like you, who move when prompted, I wouldn’t be here. Then who would fill the shoes on the path that God has marked out specifically for me? Who would do what I do in Finance (well, anyone the Lord calls to come here could do it), who would carry on the Baby JJ Ministry with the same love and feelings that I have for these mamas and babies? Someone can certainly do it, and if you feel God tugging at your heart to check it out – come on over, I’ll take you!!! You would not be disappointed! This is a beautiful country with beautiful people. They have so much love and I see it daily on their faces. Please keep in mind that there is a 3-5% processing fee for Credit and Debit card transactions. I pay those. If it is possible, direct from your account is best.
Somehow recently, I managed to come across what I wrote last year… my first Christmas (ever) away from family. I’m gonna paste it here. It won’t have the photos, because you can envision them and that’s not what it’s about, really. It is about being away from my Jennie, Robert, Robbie, Mason and Eddie Jake in Ohio… it’s about not being in Florida for my mom’s 92nd birthday on December 12th… or seeing any of my family there… it’s hard. Will you please pray for me? Coz I’m getting closer to another Christmas without my family that I love so much. It will most likely be a good day, it’s typically the “fear of the unknown” thoughts that get me. “Will I have a nice Christmas or will I sit here and cry all day?” I have enough sweet friends here to keep me from doing the latter… but the thoughts still attack my head and heart.
So, here it is… memoirs from Sharon’s 2015 Christmas in PNG
“My first Christmas in Papua New Guinea. I wasn’t going to decorate or even put up a tree. I was depressed. I was sad. I didn’t want to accept that I wouldn’t be with Jennifer, Robert, Robbie, Mason and Eddie Jake. But God. God sent some sweet ladies to help me get through the little dip my/the road. They didn’t even know they were His little helpers. Hannah sent out an email about going from property to property to see each other’s decorations. Unbenounced to her… the thought made me sad. I didn’t want to do it (no offense Hannah, I love you for suggesting it!! I *needed* you to suggest it ❤️ and I’m nothing but glad you did!). But I wasn’t ready yet. So I moped for a few days … I told my neighbor Erin that I didn’t want to do it. She was going to let me help her with our Christmas Eve meal. I love her willingness to let me possibly invade her plans. Thanks sweet duplex-neighbor!
And then, Lindy and I went shopping – truthfully I went with her – to get “her” stuff for Christmas. I don’t know what happened. All of a sudden I was happy! I bought this fun little tree and all the decorations for it! I don’t have a topper though. Thank you Lindy!! You’re wonderful!
Then Joni came over for dinner tonight. After eating, while we were chatting, she said “you don’t have your tree up yet,” and look what happened! So, I’m just gonna make the best of it! 😃
The flip flops were at the store tonight. They cracked me up! Facebook and You Tube flip flops! And the temperature photo is … Well, I guess so I can tease those of you who are freezing at Christmas time, ha-ha! I wasn’t so happy when I took this picture though. I was nothing but hot and sweaty and a little bit cranky, ha-ha!!
Merry Christmas everyone!!”
Maybe I can win this years special Christmas light??
I don’t really like that I’ll be here again this year (2016) … It’s hard. But to know that people are thinking of me and love me on the other side of the world, well, it just has to be enough. I’ll have a good day. It is what it is. I’m here and I can’t be there. But I would certainly like your prayers as I spend another Christmas here, and my family doesn’t get to be with me either. It goes both ways. This just goes with my “Yes.”
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8