Travel Plans and Rest

Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”
~ Mark 6:31

Who doesn’t need a little rest? I know I do, and that is exactly what I have “planned.” Some people are wired/able to stay on the field for 3-5 years at a time. I’ve been in Madang nearly two years. This is my longest stint. There for a while I was going home once a year, then when mom was sick, twice a year. I miss my family and this has been a couple of really difficult years. There is much to process. I need rest. I’m not alone. The teams that are still here need a rest too. Two other families plan to follow not too far behind me, and it’s ok to need a rest…

”By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.” ~ Genesis 2:1-3

In January of this year, I took a trip up to Ukarumpa. It is in the highlands of Papua New Guinea and it is gorgeous. My friends were coming to Madang, so they asked if I wanted to house/dog-sit for them. It was a good idea! I flew up there (gorgeous sights all the way to and from). I felt the cool weather as soon as we arrived. I thought the air conditioning had turned on, but the pilot had just opened his door. The heat here in Madang is pretty stifling. It is 90 degrees in my living room most days. The temperature change was stark, I loved it! It was just what I needed. I could shut down for a while. However, I found out that it would take me four full days to “come down” – to be able to do more than just stare into thin air – or to concentrate on anything. I literally sat for four full days. I needed more time.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
~ Matthew 11:28

I went to church while I was at Ukarumpa. Even though the service was in Tok Pisin (the trade language of PNG), most of the people were expats. A lot of the nationals were just finishing up their holiday. I was disappointed. They are why I am here. I like hanging with them! The director and his family had just returned from America. Their trip back was a trip to tell, gee whiz! He spoke about “rest.” The importance of rest – the imperativeness of rest. He said that “the deepest rest is when we fully trust the sovereignty of God.” He stated that “there is a lot of baggage associated with rest,” meaning that we feel guilty when we take time off, take time to get away, take time to rest. I mean, “I am here to be a missionary, right?” I am here to reach people, how can I do that when I am hiding away in a room all by myself?

Well you know what? If I don’t take the time to get away and stay in a room that can provide me with constant air conditioning/fans moving, lights and water, “I run out of ‘me’ to give.” I have to realize that “to rest is not a sign of failure, it is spiritual intimacy,” as the Ukarumpa director shared. It is a command of the Lord. He rested, and He expects us to rest when we need it too.

The director quoted Jeremiah 6:16:
“This is what the LORD says: Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.”

My soul needs rest.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” ~ Matthew 25:28-30

So… I am making plans to head to America (smile!) My best friend from here, Joni, asked me to quarantine with her in Arkansas. We hope to drive to Dallas (She and her hubby have doctor’s appointments and) I can debrief with our PBT leadership. Then it’s off to Ohio to see my Jennie, Robert and Robbie, Mason and EJ!!!! I am getting excited. I don’t like the flights. This time I have to spend some time in our capital city, Port Moresby. I need a negative covid test before I can get on the international flight. Speaking of covid… sounds like there should be a joke coming, but there isn’t.

Speaking of covid… I noticed one day that I couldn’t smell… or taste… yep, I tested positive. I have been quarantining in my little flat. Other than those two “light and momentary troubles” – at this point the only other thing I feel is exhausted! I can sit for four hours and then wonder where the day went. I have done that more than once this week. Actually, I spend a lot of time wondering things. I get up and wonder why? Where was I going? What was I going to do? It’s driving me crazy! I forgot that I was cooking and burned my meal – more than once. I have a timer to remind me “I’m cooking!” I just have to remember to turn it on when I turn on the burner (enter rolling eyes here). I also have reminders going off three times a day to remember to eat. Can you imagine that?! I need a reminder to eat?! Well, when I can’t taste anything… or smell my coffee… I guess I don’t get hungry. I also have one to remind me to drink lots of water. I’m hoping that when they do my retest that I will miraculously have my sense of taste and smell back. Lois said that is her prayer. I joined her – I would like to taste and smell again.

So anyway, our director and his oldest daughter (whom he owes a trip to Moresby) will accompany me to Moresby. He has plans for me to get the test. This relieves my heart. I don’t know my way around there. I am grateful they will be going.

The plan is that we will leave Madang on 8 March, spend the night in Moresby, I will get the test done. I should get the results the 9th, and get on the flight to Hong Kong on the 10th. I should arrive LAX the night of the 11th, and should leave there the morning of the 12th to be in Arkansas that afternoon. It’s gonna be a long (!!) trip. I would sure appreciate your prayers that it goes smoothly. This will be my first time in Hong Kong. My layover is only about 5 hours, so I won’t go do anything, but I won’t have to rush to get to my next flight. The layover in LA is a bit longer and is overnight, so I plan to find a room to stay in until the next morning. Before, when I would travel to America, I would get to America – almost before I left… because of the time difference. So, seriously thanks for praying me all the way there!

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. ~ Isaiah 40:31

• The case of covid that I have is not too bad
• Flights are being put into place to get me home
• Two PBTPNG teams are heading here the exact day I plan to leave here
• I recently won a car, so I don’t have to borrow one!

• That I can get back my stamina, sense of taste and sense of smell. I miss my coffee! Ha-ha!
• That the flights all go off without a hitch
• That I’ll find a nice little apartment in Ohio to call my own for a bit
• That I’ll get the help and rest that I so desperately need
• That the teams who hope to get here the day I get to America actually arrive, quarantine in Ukarumpa and get to Madang without a hitch

The LORD replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
~ Exodus 33:14