Greetings from Dallas Texas!
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. ~ Joshua 1:9
Yippee! I made it all the way to America from Madang, Papua New Guinea – via Moresby (our capital city), to Hong Kong, to JFK, to Charlotte, and allll the way to my good (good!!) (Missionary) friend from PNG, Joni, who was waiting for me in Arkansas! She counted up my hours and said it was a 50-hour trip to get there! What it trip it was! Let’s go back just a tad before the flights were to begin…

Joni (who also happens to be my boss in PNG in a couple of departments where I serve), had spoken to me about coming back to America for some healing and refreshment because this was a particularly rough term. I had agreed, and began thinking about the process of making the trek in these uncertain travel times. I knew that Australia was still closed to us, so it wouldn’t be my typical travel. Things were rolling along, and then our town had another two-week covid shut-down. Afterward, we were back to work full time with a full staff and the few missionaries who were left in-country … then I discovered that I had no sense of taste or smell… uh oh… My first test was positive; which caused our whole team plus others that I had been in contact with the previous two weeks, to need testing. Only one other expat (my missionary teammate) and three of our national ladies (employees) tested positive. But it meant two more weeks of isolation for every one of us. It has been a very long year already.
As I look back at it though, if I had to have covid at all, and specifically in a third world country, God was certainly merciful. I didn’t have the respiratory issues that I had heard of, and aside from my memory going on vacation, the body aches and pains, and exhaustion, I think I was in pretty good shape! I was extremely grateful that I could quarantine in my own flat. There were no others on my property at the time, so it worked out perfectly.
Then when my two weeks quarantine was up. I had a few days to button up everything in my flat, in case PBT rents it out while I am gone… and say my “see-ya’s.” My first and second tests were positive, but my third and fourth were negative, allowing me to get moving on the first international flight.
I spent the first two weeks in Arkansas “kind of” in quarantine. Since I had contracted covid and was still within my 90 day grace period, apparently I wasn’t so scary. But those two weeks basically consisted of my trying to get warm (my thermometer was set at 84 most of those days!!), sleeping, and drinking cherry-limeade’s that Joni brought to me. Her sister had filled the freezer of the cottage with freezer meals, and there was a Keurig, so I was set. The last week I was there was (also) filled with so much love and compassion. It was definitely a place of healing and I am so grateful for friends who helped me get my feet on US soil, and my head in the right time zone! Those were such healing days filled with love. On the 5th of April, Jim and Joni drove me to Dallas to our PBT headquarters. I needed to debrief with our personnel director, our PBTPNG Care Team leader, and others. I had to take a few seconds to get past just writing about those meetings. Everything was couched in love as I expected it to be, but life is pretty harsh sometimes.
So yes, I have gone through some pretty tough meetings, but I have had some incredibly wonderful times of reconnecting and getting to know other PBT missionaries who live here in the Dallas area. Dallas has a special place in my heart because of the people.
I am done with my week of meetings, and I’ve enjoyed church. Today I have my post-field physical in the morning, will meet with a special lady who used to serve in PNG, and then I will fly away… to Ohio to see my Jennie and Co… and oh-so-many other people I love!
This is where I need to get serious – I am not on my typical, “pop in and say hi” type of visit this time.
I will be in Ohio for a time of respite and refreshment following my most difficult term as a missionary. While serving in PNG, I’ve lost my mom and my brother. More recently I unexpectedly lost a young teammate, a tragedy that I am still processing. My 13-year-old grandson suffered a terrible accident (he is now okay though it was incredibly scary), I suffered COVID in a 3rd world country, and I’ve had to navigate the dire impact a global pandemic has on a country with so few resources. Presently I am on home assignment, continuing to support the mission that God called me to a little over 7 years ago while prioritizing my grief, health and healing.
I plan to be in America for some months, but God has not (by any means) removed PNG from my heart. I don’t know how tomorrow looks, but I have peace that I am supposed to be on home assignment right now. I have a couple of counselors ready for my Ohio arrival. There is much to process, and healing needs to happen on many levels, but I have hope and joy in my heart as I walk this current path. God will let me know what comes next. I don’t need to know all the details right now.
My prayer requests are:
• Good results from my Monday physical.
• That the doctor can figure out why one of my legs is swollen and painful – I had an ultrasound and there is no visible blood clot (thank You Lord!) – But we need to investigate it more thoroughly
• For safe and uneventful travel to Ohio.
• That my EJ doesn’t catch wind of my arrival (he is the only grandson who doesn’t know I am coming) so we can surprise him at dinner.
• For good upcoming medical, dentist, and eye appointments.
• Complete healing and whatever else I need to come out of counseling in a better place.
Thank you for continuing to walk this path with me. It is a great adventure! I have not had a change of heart, I just need a home assignment like other missionaries periodically take.
I look forward to seeing so many friendly faces and getting as many hugs as you want to give me – unless you are not hugging yet, I understand and respect that.
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. ~ Isaiah 41:10
I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you. ~ Genesis 28:15