America 2016 ~ “to-do” list progress

This has been *the most wonderful* visit so far! When I arrived in Ohio, Jennie and Marianne took me to Rusty Bucket and I had deep fried pickles, yum!

What progress have I made with the things on my to-do list?

I sent my passport off for renewal… please pray that I get it back in a timely manner.

I saw my medical doctor for the pain in my thumb/wrist and he said it is tendonitis. He gave me medicine and I went to one physical therapy appointment, but there’s still pain. Jennie talked to a “mobilization” expert at CrossFit and she showed me some exercises that will help. Please pray for relief. It’s not fun. I also had a complete physical. Everything is good.

I talked to Chase bank about using my credit card in PNG… 13% interest plus 3% international charge… not gonna happen. So I called Capital One to apply for their Venture card; they don’t have international charges. Didn’t work. So I told my mom that I know that God has a plan and it’ll be best. Guess what?! My Ashland Credit union card that I’ve had for years and years doesn’t have international charges. So I didn’t have to get a new card after all 😃 Thanks God!

I got a new Ohio drivers license. The guy said that I didn’t have to wear my glasses in the photo, so I didn’t. I had hoped that I would be able to go back to contact lenses. I’ve tried several but I don’t know … we shall see if it is what He has for me, it’ll work. If not, I’m good with that. I went to my dentist and got fitted for a bite splint to help with TMJ. This getting old stuff is for the birds, but I’m sure glad that I have had the time to do these appointments!

I attended Vista Dublin twice. I presented Gods PNG ministry to a few Life Groups. What a fun bunch of people! They were really interested in what God is doing in Papua New Guinea. I hope to speak to more when I get back from moms and Dallas.

I had lunch and dinners with really special gals! Everything here has SO MUCH flavor!

I went to The Bridge with Mike and Tracy. We fed some wonderful homeless people. It was great! Roni made dinner and it was yummy. I mostly hung with a new friend that I met there. Her name is Anne. She is from Kenya ~ she runs an orphanage and has a young mama/single girl ministry ~ before the evening ended we were Facebook friends. How fun is that?!?

I went to the Apple store coz my phone was a little messed up and I had questions. Long story short and two trips there and I have a BRAND NEW phone! Thanks God!! I’m SO incredibly grateful to the friend who bought me the phone last year – and paid for the warranty!! Way to go!

I had a wonderful Mexican dinner at my friend Jill’s house. She has a bunny 😊 sooo cute! What a love she is. She has collected 3 boxes of baby items. She plans to send them ahead so that I can deliver them when I get back to Papua New Guinea. Sweet huh?!

My sweet friend from Michigan, Nicole and her hubby came to visit too. It was WONDERFUL to spend quality time with her!! Thanks Jason and Robbie for staying busy so we could chat! I love being able to catch up and “do life” with my family and friends. This has been such a blessing!

I met Ali for lunch… my favorite Forwarding Agent in the world and a wonderfully faithful prayer warrior and friend. I will explain what a Forwarding Agent is at the end of this update. I have a need.

And in the midst of all of this, I have been able to spend every single night and any “extra” time outside of all of my appointments and stuff… with Jennie, Robert and the boys. It has been extremely good!!! Thanks God! I have loved every single moment since I arrived America. Does that mean that everything has gone perfect? Certainly not. Does it mean that I see God in everything, everywhere? YES it does! He is at work all the time and it is so evident.


The HIGHLIGHT has been that my youngest grandson Eddie Jake (EJ) got baptized. He is 8. Isn’t he adorable?

AND another highlight is that my Denver Broncos WON SUPERBOWL 50!!! Woo hoo!! I’m so happy that I was here to see it. We had so much fun at a party with Jennie and Roberts friends from church.

So, all in all, I would say that this has been an exceptional visit so far.

Now I am in Florida with mom and Suzy. I am slowly seeing all of my Florida family … then a week in Dallas to see sweet friends and PBT family. While I am in Dallas I plan to meet with two of our Papua New Guinean translators that Marsha is bringing back with her. I TOTALLY look forward to THAT! They are precious men with precious families that I love and serve when I am in PNG. Please pray that God blesses their 6 months in America. They have their work cut out for them! Marsha has a tight schedule in which she is working with them to finish the Old Testament. They already finished the New Testament. The Aruamu people will have the ENTIRE Bible in their heart language. I heard a quote today by Nelson Mandela “if you speak to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head; if you talk to him in his language that goes to his heart.” I believe this with my whole heart.

I am happy that I can just give this sort of “run down” and not tell you how many miles I drove. I am ok with saying I feel too old to do that, ha-ha! Maybe I’m not too old particularly, but I don’t want to travel like that alone. This works for me!

So, the “Forwarding Agent” term… Ali is the person who collects checks and whatever ends up in my Ohio post office box. I DO need to raise more monthly support so that I can live in Papua New Guinea and continue with the task that God has given to me. If you are hearing from God and want to respond, you can go to to set up monthly donations. If you have questions, call me at 614-707-8602. Or you can send a check or money order written to Pioneer Bible Translators to my PO Box like this:

Sharon Kozar
C/O Ali Hooper
PO Box 281
Dublin, OH 43016

I would love it if you would like to partner with what God is doing and join my financial team or if you’ll pray that someone you know will support this ministry. I would also love it if you wanted to join my prayer team. Just send Ali a message at It could be helpful if you “shared” this post on social media too!

Thanks for praying me home and for all of your love and support! I appreciate you!!

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