Sharon was born in Midland Michigan and spent most of her life in Colorful Colorado. Then she spent 13 years in Ohio, where she earned an Associate’s Degree from Franklin University.

She attended Johnson University as part of her training, when she was accepted as a recruit with Pioneer Bible Translators.

Her daughter Jennie is married to Robert and has given Sharon 3 wonderful grandsons. Robbie (2000) Mason (2004) and Eddie Jake (2007).

Sharon first felt God leading her to serve overseas after a short term mission trip to Cambodia with Vista Community Church, her church in Dublin Ohio.

She is now a full time missionary serving in Papua New Guinea (PNG) working in a support role with Pioneer Bible Translators as an Administrative Assistant to their Director of Support Services. It was her finance skills that brought her to Papua New Guinea, but a recent shift in responsibilities is a much better fit for her gifts and talents. She not only assists expats (PNG is not their home country) and national translators (PNG is their home country), so that they can work in their villages for longer periods of time translating the Word of God into their heart languages. With this role, Sharon is able to assist the national workers in the office as well. She is getting more acquainted with the town itself, its businesses and enjoys being out among the people in which she serves.

When Sharon was on the last flight of her original trip to Papua New Guinea, the Lord grew in her heart an unquenchable love and desire to serve the people of PNG. Out of this love for the people, the Baby JJ Ministry has been born. Sharon goes regularly to the local haus sik (hospital) to love on the new mamas and their babies. Some of these mamas come to the haus sik with nothing but the clothes on their bodies. They are completely unprepared for the arrival of a newborn baby.

Would you consider coming alongside Sharon to provide some basic necessities that PNG mamas don’t have access to?

It’s Sharon’s desire and mission of her ”Baby JJ Ministry” to give each and every mama and baby the following basic items:

  • A baby blanket
  • A nappie (diaper),
  • A bar of soap to wash their body and a second bar to wash their clothes
  • A pair of undies for the mama

If it were not for the amazing love that was planted inside of her on that first trip, she couldn’t leave her family and move across the globe to live among the people of Papua New Guinea. But the Lord has given her His peace, and she knows in her heart that this is where she has been called ~ right here, right now. She feels extremely blessed to learn more about the people and to have a part in God’s Word being translated in the “heart languages,” so that more and more people can understand and truly comprehend the Word of God… and to submit to His authority and spend eternity with Him in heaven.  Thank you for your interest and participation in coming alongside Sharon and traveling with her in this Great Adventure that He has set her feet on. Because of your support, there will be more Papua New Guineans in heaven!

Please get in touch with Sharon to see how you can be a tangible part of the Baby JJ Ministry.

View Sharon’s video testimony from the Vista Community Church Christmas Program in 2013.

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